S1E52 - 52 - Chariot Requeim is a Persona Reference

Chariot Requiem is a stand that ripped off Persona, a franchise that ripped off stands. Really makes you think.


White Album VS Chariot Requiem

Sticky Fingers VS Hey Ya!

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

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Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E51 - 51 - The One Where we Make a Runescape Reference

It's astounding that even her in round 3 we can get matchups where both of the stands are just kind of "eh" to talk about.

Remember friends, now that it's autumn make sure to check for Les Feuilles under your leaves as you rake them. Throwing them in the garbage is inhumane.


White Snake VS Les Feuilles

Justice VS Tubular Bells

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E50 - 50 - My Dad Jobin

The vibe rating for this episode is fucked up at best! Buth that's what makes it good!! I've let school and work and personal responsibilities kinda stack up on me so apologies if episodes are weird for a bit.

All the stands in this episode kinda suck except Weather Report though, though they're fun to bully.


Sky High VS Ozon Baby

Weather Report VS Fun Fun Fun

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E49 - 49 - Ringo Roadagain Lore Dump

We talk about the funny goatee man a lot in this one just because he's a cool character.

If we mentioned One Piece in this one we would have hit like, every stupid reference we always make. Truly a missed opportunity.

These notes would be better but I'm too busy watching Mori Calliope streams, sorry.


Mandom VS Diver Down

Jumpin' Jack Flash VS Spice Girl

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Support us on Patreon!

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E48 - 48 - C-Moon might be DIO

Episode Notes

Hi, I'm Kingdom. I edited this one, and I have no idea what to put in the episode notes because I'm really dumb <3


C-Moon VS Yo-Yo Ma

Born This Way VS Oasis

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E47 - 47 - Heaven's Doorframe

This week's episode is a lot of stands we don't have a lot to say about! What I do want to say a lot about though is the apparently astronomical number of light novels there are??? Hell Train? Disease Curing bunny rabbit? Koichi and friends mystery squad??? We may need to up our reading games.

We recorded this episode multiple days before my writing this and I can't go more than five hours without thinking "Doobie Wraow" with the 'wow' pronounced like that one vine. You know the one.


Heaven's Door VS Ball Breaker

Doobie Wah! VS Purple Haze

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E46 - 46 - The Power of My Stand: 「BANJO-KAZOOIE: NUTS & BOLTS」

I would not be surprised if Joshou gets a redemption arc but I would be very disappointed.

In this episode we tell you what part 8 is ACTUALLY about.

This new criteria is neat! It's a lot more fun to discuss stands like this but also sometimes there just isn't a lot to say. Some stands are just basic.


Death 13 VS Pearl Jam

Kiss VS Nut King Call

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E45 - 45 - Yu Yu Hakusho Invented the Isekai Truck

Welcome to Round 3! We've got new criteria, similar energy, and allllll the same stands you've heard about before. Enjoy!

Us? Expressing humility and admitting faults in things we've said on this podcast in the past? Unheard of but true.


King Crimson VS The Hand

Foo Fighters VS Star Platinum

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E44 - 44 - Say "Sand Stand" Five Times Fast

Round two is now OVER! We made it everyone, thank you so much for your support. I'm tired and hungry editing this so I don't have anything super funny to say in these notes but, seriously, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. See you all in round three.


Tomb of the Boom VS Tatoo You!

Enigma VS The Fool

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E43 - 43 - Made in Heaven or, as I Like to Call It: "Stupid Horse by 100 Gecs"

Echoes VS Sex Pistols is just a bunch of little dudes going out it to try to figure out which the better group of little dudes is. I think we made the right choice but I'm sure that's gonna be a divisive one.

There's a very bad joke about Made in Heaven's appearance that I cut from the episode and refuse to make here. Honestly? If I could, I'd scrub the sentence from my own memory. It kind of sucks.

Shout out to friend of the show Fiona for being funnier than me and letting me bastardize their joke for the title of this episode. I'd like to thing that if part 6 came out today Made in Heaven would be called Stupid Horse instead.


Echoes VS Sex Pistols

Made in Heaven VS The Lock

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

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