S1E47 - 47 - Heaven's Doorframe

4 years ago

This week's episode is a lot of stands we don't have a lot to say about! What I do want to say a lot about though is the apparently astronomical number of light novels there are??? Hell Train? Disease Curing bunny rabbit? Koichi and friends mystery squad??? We may need to up our reading games.

We recorded this episode multiple days before my writing this and I can't go more than five hours without thinking "Doobie Wraow" with the 'wow' pronounced like that one vine. You know the one.


Heaven's Door VS Ball Breaker

Doobie Wah! VS Purple Haze

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

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