S1E46 - 46 - The Power of My Stand: 「BANJO-KAZOOIE: NUTS & BOLTS」

4 years ago

I would not be surprised if Joshou gets a redemption arc but I would be very disappointed.

In this episode we tell you what part 8 is ACTUALLY about.

This new criteria is neat! It's a lot more fun to discuss stands like this but also sometimes there just isn't a lot to say. Some stands are just basic.


Death 13 VS Pearl Jam

Kiss VS Nut King Call

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

Copyright 2019