S1E42 - 42 - You Wouldn't Download a Stand

4 years ago

Sorry for all the Bible talk but the payoff at the end is too good to have cut it. Rolling Stone's user seriously looks exactly like Jesus though.

Also Paisley Park is just so good. The JJBA inspired TTRPG is called Eidolon btw. I knew a two podcasts are going that are playtesting it but I think they're behind a patreon paywall? I do not remember. It was a fun system though and I recommend checking it out if you're interested!


Tenor Sax VS Paisley Park

Rolling Stones VS Hierophant Green

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

Copyright 2019