S1E34 - 34 - And Then Jesus Said 「TICKET TO RIDE」

New recording location for Kingdom means some fun chair sounds. Couldn't ge tthem all out, but they should be lessened more-so in further episodes.

Killer Queen is a stand os nice we get to talk about it twice. Well, maybe more than that depending on how the brackt goes. At least twice.

Gyro: oh hey ur are back early Johnny: stand's haunted Gyro: what? Johnny: *loading Tusk Act 3 and getting back on Slow Dancer* stand's haunted


Gold Experience VS Killer Queen (Jojolion)

Ticket to Ride VS Soft & Wet

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E33 - 33 - It's WereGarurumon's World... We're Just Living in It

I hope you like Tusk! Because tere's a lot of Tusk. Like, almost 50% of an episode of Tusk. It's lucky we love it so much or we'd probaly hate it at this point if it wasn't awesome.

Oh yeah, Soft & Wet is here too. Another protagonist stand that just gets completely overshadowed. Just kidding, Horus is the only overshadowed stand this episode. That poor bird-bug got a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad seed.


Tusk VS Scary Monsters

Horus VS Soft & Wet

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E32 - 32 - "Fucking Goo Goo Gaa Gaa I'm a Baby Gimme My Bottle"

Somehow the episodes with stand that I expect to not get much content from wind up being solid epsiodes and episodes I think we'll be able to riff well wind up short. Funny how that works out. That is to say, this episode is pretty solid.

All of the birds died in 1986 due to DIO killing them and replacing them with Manahttan Transfers that are now watching us. The birds work for the Green Dolphin Street Prison.


Dark Blue Moon VS In a Silent Way

Cheap Trick VS Goo Goo Dolls

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E31 - 31 - Geb Is Flubber's Dad

Stand Off! Is back after a week long hiatus. We took time to recenter, find ourselves, and fine 8-ball for iOS.

It's really good that after a non-normal episode and a week off we come back to three great stands. Really, all winners this one. Not a stinker in sight.


Schott Key No. 2 VS Metallica

Geb VS The Grateful Dead

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

Stan Megami Tensei 46 - April 1st, Afternoon, Flu Season

Before you write in: yes I explain Gnosticism very poorly and really should write a script to read every time it comes up but I'm laaaaazy. Also, I have not watched the anime we mention and I tacitly refuse to. Do not talk to me about it.

Mothman really is just the cutest little dude. Oh, and happy April Fools. Me telling you that Atlus and Persona Team suck shit and you should pirate or otherwise steal all their games if you really feel the need to play them isn't April Fools though. Seriosuly, they're awful.


Satanael VS Jack Frost

Mothman VS Alice

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

S1E30 - 30 - The Fred Durst Takeover

Guess who forgot to change her input device to her good mic in both tracks she recorded for this! Me, Kat! Sorry for the kinda rough audio and clicking on my side because of it. That won't be present in future episodes.

Fred Durst Facts is sadly not a recurring segment on Stand Off going forward, despite my pleading. According to Kingdom "the man only does so much." A great bit was born and died this day


Judgement VS Gold Experience Requiem

Limp Bizkit VS Paper Moon King

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E29 - 29 - Pick Your Head Up Kingdom, Your Crown is Falling

I really don't know what to say about this one. In person recording is a beast of its own. This is rowdy and messy and all over the place and, to be honest, i think thats just the Stand Off! Spirit.

Wild Honey: Bee or Not a Bee, you be the judge. (Please Note: The original artist is named あかねこ. I couldn't find them on pixiv or through some extensive googling. Apologies for not posting from the source.)


California King Bed VS Superfly

Achtung Baby VS Hermit Purple

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E28 - 28 - Let It Rest

Things are only going to continue to get this heated from here on. Recording in person really facilitates getting really pissed of at eachother.

This is a good episode. Here's your homework as discussed.


Sticky Fingers VS Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Crazy Diamond VS Hey Ya!

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E27 - 27 - Drink Water. This is a Threat.

I can't tell if in person episodes are the best or the most unlistenable episodes. I don't think those things are mutually exclusive.

Obligatory Chariot Requiem be walking joke goes here.


Boy II Man VS White Album

Chariot Requiem VS Aqua Necklace

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

S1E26 - 26 - The Giant Ratt that Makes all of the Cubes

This will make sense when you listen to the episode. Probably.


Ratt VS Justice

Tubular Bells VS Beach Boy

Find the show on Twitter at @StandOffPodcast

Hosted by Kat (@RealKatsuneMiku) & Kingdom (@TachyonKingdom).

Our Intro/Outro Music is "Mad Raucous Strange City" by NiceWizardMusic

Copyright 2019